7 - Magical Uses of Lemon, which can Change Your Life !!

Add a few tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with lukewarm olive oil and rub into the scalp for 15 minutes, then shampoo and rinse.

--   Get Rid of Dandruff


On a sunny day, apply it’s juice onto wet hair, comb through with fingertips, then sit in the sun leaving hair to dry naturally.

--   Natural Hair Highlights


Mix 3 table-spoons fresh lemon juice with one table-spoon of sugar. Massage with your fingertips in an anticlockwise circular motion.

--   Exfoliate Your Skin


Lemon juice helps destroy the bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath. Drinking lemon water or gargling will remove your bad breath.

--   Get Rid Of Bad Breath


When bitten by an insect, apply fresh lemon juice on the bite to help sterilise the area, aid healing and ease the painful sting.

--   Treat Insect Bites


Exercising can affect the electrolyte balance, causing muscle pain and fatigue. Instead of electrolyte packed sugary drinks, make your own by adding lemon juice.

--   Hydrate Your Body


The next time you’re feeling down or tired and in need a lift, scratch the rind of it (should be unwaxed) and sniff. This will give you the desired freshness and energy.

--   Rejuvenate Yourself